The name of this organization shall be “Inspire Family Academy” or INSPIRE, a not-for-profit organization.
Section 1. Mission Statement We are a community of families that support each other in becoming excellent parent mentors, providing inspirational group learning opportunities, and strengthening faith in God founded on the principles taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Inspire Family Academy is not sponsored or affiliated with any specific church or religion. Section 2. Educational Philosophy As parents of Inspire Family Academy, we volunteer to provide inspirational experiences for our children and those of the community. We adhere to Oliver DeMille's "A Thomas Jefferson Education" as our educational foundation and use Charlotte Mason for children and DeMille's "Hero Education" for youth as our educational methodologies. We use classic books as the basis of our education, infusing our lives with connections to the world, inspiring stories, cultural literacy, and heroes to emulate. We remember that we are each responsible for our own education and freedom of choice is needed for real learning. We also know that we are each infinitely perfectible, so there is no time limit on learning. We focus on training and supporting parents as they provide a self-directed learning environment at home, restoring the family as the center of our homes, our social groups and our education. We respect and protect parents' time and energy to mentor their own children. Section 3. Guiding Principles Inspire Family Academy's Guiding Principles include: • Home Centered, School Supported • Individualized Education for Every Learner • Classes by Developmental Phase, not Age • Application is integral to the Learning Process • Scholar Phase = Read, Read, Read and Discuss • Inspirational Mentors guide Self-Driven Scholars • Principled Leaders, Train and then Trust • Learning is Lifelong
Section 1. Membership Types & Eligibility 1. Member Eligibility Parents, Grandparents or Guardians of minor children, with at least one child over the age of 3, who pay semester dues and have been approved by the board are eligible for membership. 2. Member Terms “Members” are any person in a family who has been approved by the board, has paid the family fee for that semester, and attends weekly morning classes. 3. Member Definitions • “Mentors” are volunteers or instructors in weekly classes. All mentors must have board-reviewed background checks. • “Scholars” are minor children who are age 11 by Sept 1 and who participate in the Scholar Program. • “Juniors” are minor children aged 0-10 by Sept 1 and who participate in the Junior’s program. 4. Non-member Participants Non-member participants are community members who pay per class to participate in elective “Inspirations” classes, other content or events open to the public. These participants are not full members and do not have member benefits including access to website video training content, annual mentor training, parent trainings, school activities, or morning classes. 5. Community Volunteers Community Volunteers are adults who are approved by the board to mentor or serve members in a specific role. As volunteers, they do not pay member fees but may be invited to attend mentor trainings. All volunteers who mentor minor youth or children or volunteer in classrooms must submit to a background check. Section 2. Membership Duties 1. Read our core educational philosophy “A Thomas Jefferson Education” by Oliver DeMille 2. Sign the liability waiver 3. Sign the Statement of Beliefs Acknowledgement 4. Submit to a background check if mentoring or volunteering regularly 5. Be on campus and mentor a weekly class as asked by the board (at least one parent or adult per member family) and be present with children younger than age 11. 6. Fulfill weekly cleaning or childcare assignment 7. Serve on a committee or in a volunteer role (at least one parent per member family) 8. All participants in the member family sign and adhere to the Behavior Code of Conduct 9. Attend the Annual Mentor Training and Parent Trainings as often as possible 10. Be current on dues and fees Section 3. Membership Privileges 1. Current members will have access to: • Live and recorded trainings • Exclusive curriculum content • Community activities & digital social groups • Exclusive pricing on elective “Inspirations” classes or special event trainings • Member-only website content • Review posted public board meeting minutes. 2. Appeal Rights. • Members are welcome and encouraged to bring matters of concern to a board member quickly and as often as needed. The board will maintain an anonymous feedback option and reply promptly. • Members may call a Special Meeting by obtaining a petition of 10% of the members (see Article 5, Section 3) Section 4. Member Discipline or Termination of Membership 1. Discipline If the child has been observed not following the Behavior Code of Conduct, the following consequences will be given: • First warning - Mentor will remind the child of the rule • Second warning - Mentor will talk to the parent to ask for ideas of how to help them comply • Third warning - Mentor ask their Director for assistance (Junior or Scholar) • If the child still struggles with compliance with a rule, the Executive Committee may prohibit the child from returning to school for a period of time, as determined by the Executive Committee 2. Termination of Membership • Members may end their membership at any time, fees and tuition will be forfeited. • Membership may be terminated by discretion of the board at the end of a semester if a member family does not fulfill all duties as listed in Section 2 “Membership Duties”. Board reserves the right not to renew membership with or without cause.
1. The fiscal year of this organization shall coincide with the IRS and State reporting requirements, July 1 - June 30th. 2. A summary financial report shall be produced annually and presented to members. 3. Detailed accounting reports shall be available to members on request. 4. Financial records and reports shall be reviewed semiannually by the board. 5. All organization bank accounts shall be accessible by the President, VP of Administration, and the Treasurer.
Section 1. Purpose The Inspire Board is responsible for the overall policy and direction of the school, delegating responsibility to mentors and committees, protection of the organization’s financial and legal interests, and preserving the vision and culture of the community. Section 2. General Duties of Board Officers 1. Be committed to and exemplify the principles of Leadership Education, as contained in A Thomas Jefferson Education. 2. Promote the Mission and Principles of Inspire Family Academy. 3. Create/Update policies and procedures for the school year in which they serve. Ensure the policies and procedures adhere to the mission, guiding principles, and articles of these bylaws. 4. Approve the yearly budget, family fees and any spending outside of budgeted items. 5. Approve new members and termination or non-renewal of members. 6. Approve yearly academic calendar, school-wide activities, and parent training. meetings. 7. Approve building rental changes and school day schedule. Section 3. Officers & Roles (see Appendix A) 1. President • Qualifications & Appointment a. Served on Board for at least two years, have mentored a minimum of one year of Cornerstone, Keystone or Capstone scholar classes and one semester of Juniors. b. Appointed by a consensus of the existing Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. Preside at all meetings of the Organization and have general supervision of its affairs. b. Serve as chair of the Board, presiding at Board Meetings, Executive Committee, and Special Meetings. c. Named on bank accounts and non-profit registrations, and oversee that all state and federal regulations are followed. d. First contact for prospective members and ambassador for school. 2. Vice- President of Administration • Qualifications and Appointment a. Served on Board for a minimum of one year and mentored at least one Scholar Class and one semester of Juniors. b. Appointed by a consensus of the existing Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. The Vice-President will have all the powers and perform the regular duties of the President during his/her absence. b. Lead the Administration Committee c. Named on bank accounts and regularly review bank statements d. Maintain and publish public bylaws and policies of Inspire Family Academy. 3. Vice-President of Education. • Qualifications and Appointment a. Mentored 2 yrs of Scholar Classes, which includes at least one year mentoring Cornerstone, Keystone or Capstone; mentored 1 year in Juniors and served on Board for one year. b. Appointed by a consensus of the existing Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. Lead The Education Committee, educational programs, and parent training program. b. Oversee the Junior Director, Scholar Director, and Inspirations Director and Education programs. c. Serve on the Executive Committee 4. Scholar Director • Qualifications and Appointment a. Mentored Keystone or Capstone and at least one other Scholar Class b. Appointed by a consensus of the Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. Serve on the Education Committee b. Guide and train the scholar mentors through monthly observations, mentor interviews and training as needed. c. Decide on scholar class assignments, with agreement of the scholar, parent, and mentor. If they all cannot agree the Scholar Director will help mediate the discussion until an agreement can be made. If no agreement can be made the Scholar director will take the matter to the Executive Committee for a final decision. (See Article 6, Section 2.) d. Manage the weekly needs and communication for scholar mentors and students. e. Advocate for the needs of Scholar children and parents. 5. Junior Director • Qualifications and Appointment a. Mentored Inspire Juniors for a minimum of 1 year b. Appointed by a consensus of the Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. Serve on Education Committee b. Guide and train the Junior Mentors through frequent observations, mentor meetings and training as needed. c. Manage the weekly needs and communication for junior mentors and students. d. Advocate for the needs of Junior children and parents. 6. Inspirations Director •Qualifications and Appointment a. Member of Inspire for one year and have mentored an Inspirations class b. Appointed by a consensus of the Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. Serve on the Education Committee b. Coordinate, advertise, work with mentors, and create the Inspirations schedule each semester. c. Guide and train Inspirations mentors through frequent communication and occasional check-ins. Be sure background checks have been completed on all mentors. d. Manage the weekly needs and communication for Inspirations mentors and students. Be on campus during Inspirations classes to oversee that mentor and children are following guidelines. 7. Secretary • Qualifications and Appointment a. Member of Inspire for one year b. Appointed by a consensus of the Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. Serve on the Administration Committee b. Keep and report board meeting minutes in writing and post approved minutes on website c. Notify board members of upcoming meetings d. Keep permanent record of the board actions and committee reports e. Send communications and correspondence as determined by the Board. f. Keep member records of liability waivers and all other forms as required for membership. g. Perform duties of the Registrar if position is not filled 8. Treasurer • Qualifications and Appointments a. Member of Inspire for one year b. Appointed by a consensus of the Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. Serve on the Administration Committee b. Receive all dues, contributions and other income and pay all bills of the Organization c. Make financial reports at board meetings and end-of-year statements, and prepare other required financial reports as needed. d. Submit annual organization financial statements and filing as required by law. e. Work with the Administrative Committee to propose operating budgets. f. Be listed as Treasurer on business filing. 9. Registrar • Qualifications and Appointments a. Member of Inspire for one year b. Appointed by a consensus of the Executive Committee, ratified by board • Roles a. Serve on the Administration Committee b. Create and publish class registration form each semester, with input of the Education Committee c. Publish class lists to mentors at the beginning of each semester Section 5. Proxies There shall be no voting by proxy. Section 6. No Salary Board Members shall not receive salaries for their board services but may be reimbursed for authorized expenses related to Board service. Section 7. Terms Board position terms are July 1 to June 30. Officers shall serve for a term of one year, renewable each year by giving commitment or notification of resignation at the January board meeting. Section 8. Vacancy A vacancy in any office shall be filled by appointment from the Executive Committee. Section 9. Removal Any board member may be removed, with or without cause, by a vote of two-thirds of the remaining board members then in office or by member vote in a Special Meeting (see Article 5, Section 5).
Section 1. Board Meetings 1. Members: President, Administrative VP, Education VP, Junior Program Director, Scholar Program Director, Inspirations Program Director, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar 2. Frequency Meets at least once per semester, generally in August and January. Any board member may call a board meeting as needed. 3. Minutes Secretary will publish a public copy of the minutes on the website. 4. Voting and Quorum Board decisions will be made by majority vote. At least 5 members of the board must be present to form a quorum. Section 2. Committees of the Board of Directors (see Appendix B) 1. Executive Committee • Members of the Executive Committee are the President, Educational Vice President, Administrative Vice President • The Executive Committee will meet at least monthly. • Decision-Making Responsibilities of the Executive Committee include: a. Disciplinary action of members b. Review Background check results c. Address confidential or private member concerns d. Emergency decisions such as closures due to weather or safety e. Final decision mediating scholar class placement disputes. • Decisions will be made by consensus of all members of the Executive Committee. 2. Education Committee • Members of the Education Committee are: VP of Education, Junior Program Director, Scholar Program Director, Inspirations Program Director and Registrar. • The Education Committee will meet at least once each semester. • Decision Making Responsibilities of the Education Committee include: a. Approval of Class Fees, ratified by Executive Committee b. Approval Curriculum or class content, ratified by Executive Committee c. Creation of semester Registration Form, reviewed and approved by Board 3. Administration Committee • Members of the Administrative Committee are the VP of Administration, Secretary, Treasurer and other appointed building management and cleaning volunteers as needed. • Decision-Making Responsibilities of the Administrative Committee include: a. Academic Calendar, ratified by board b. Yearly Budget, ratified by board c. Building Selection, ratified by board d. Family Fees, ratified by board Forms and legal decisions, ratified by Executive Committee Section 3. Parent Training Meetings Parent Training Meetings will be held every other month, at a time and place designated by the VP of Education. Topics are approved by the Executive Committee. Section 4. Annual Mentor Training Annual Mentor Training will be held in August before school begins. VP of Education directs the content and delegates training with approval of the Executive Committee and input from the board. Training perpetuates the vision of INSPIRE, continues to build mentor skills and maintains a high level of mentoring. Section 5. Special Meetings 1. A Special meeting to address critical or urgent concerns may be called by any member of the Board or by a member who has obtained a petition signed by ten percent of members. Special meetings may address concerns such as: Impeaching a board member, changing a policy, amending the bylaws, or reversing a board or Executive decision. 2. Email notice of special meetings shall be given to each member and board member not less than two weeks prior to the meeting, including the date, time, place of the meeting and a wording of the proposed change. 3. Quorum for a special meeting is ⅔ of member families. 4. Each member family gets one vote, an adult representative from the member family must be present to vote. Action passes with a ⅔ majority vote of those present. 5. Votes are counted and confirmed by one member of the board and the member who called the meeting.
Founding and managerial documents provide order, define powers, give instructions, and communicate the vision and reasons behind rules. Each document has different purposes and level of detail. 1. Bylaws • Describe the organizational structure and decision making power. See Article 8 for Amending the Bylaws 2. Policies and Procedures • Describe the day-to-day rules and guidelines for operating the school. They describe why things are done and how they are done. • Amending Policies can be done with a majority board vote or approval of a Special Meeting, See Article 5, Section 5. 3. Notes and Job Description Documents • May be passed on from year to year about specific details for how events, committees and classes were done, what was successful and what changes should be considered. • Documents will be owned by the organization and stored in board managed shared files. Event leads, committee members or board members may create and add to these notes. • Secretary will maintain file organization and update sharing permissions as needed.
1. The Board of Directors shall consider any amendment proposed by a member or board member. 2. Prior to the vote of any amendment, each member of the Board of Directors shall be given at least ten days notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting and shall contain a copy of the proposed amendment. 3. These Bylaws may be amended or repealed by the Board of Directors, and new Bylaws adopted, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors. 4. Any member may call a Special Meeting to amend the bylaws, use rules outlined in Article 5, Section 5.
Inspire Family Academy does not exclude nor discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, or age.
Upon the dissolution of Inspire Family Academy, the Board shall, after making provision for the payment of all the liabilities or valid obligations of the organization, distribute the assets exclusively to one or more homeschool or education nonprofit organization(s) which then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding provisions of any future federal tax code, as is (are) selected by the organization’s Board of Directors.